by Christophe Deblaise

Converting your RPG code to RPG Free Form is a crucial step in modernizing your IBM i applications. More readable and aligned with current standards, it facilitates onboarding new developers and enhances maintainability. With ARCAD Software’s « as a service » approach, transform your code rapidly without burdening your internal teams. Benefit from automated, tested, and guaranteed modernization, ensuring minimal disruption and immediate return on investment.

1. Why Convert to RPG Free Form?

Modernizing an IBM i legacy system is a comprehensive process typically involving several aspects simultaneously: process automation, tools, development environment enhancements via a DevOps approach, language and database transformation, and architecture modularization.

When an IT organization decides to modernize an IBM i application, one of the most impactful aspects is converting all source code into the latest RPG version—RPG Free Form.

RPG Free Form is highly readable, intuitive, and similar to languages like Java or .Net. It allows new developers, who might not have IBM i experience, to quickly become operational, even without prior RPG knowledge. In an environment where hiring developers, particularly RPG specialists, is increasingly challenging, this creates practical opportunities to quickly scale.

Importantly, converting existing code to RPG Free Form enhances readability and maintainability without extensive manual rewrites. It is often the first significant step, delivering rapid, visible quick wins before moving forward with additional modernization stages.

2. Conversion Methods to RPG Free Form

Some organizations opt for an incremental approach, taking advantage of scheduled code modifications (upgrades or bug fixes) to convert relevant programs into RPG Free Form. While this approach integrates naturally into project activities, leveraging planned testing, it has the drawback of maintaining a mix of modernized and legacy programs without setting a clear target date for complete conversion. Developers may alternate between converted and older RPG programs. To succeed, clear objectives and monitoring are critical, or the ROI risks dilution over time.

Others prefer a comprehensive “project-based” approach, modernizing their entire source code, validating it, and thus establishing a fresh start without retaining legacy components. This requires greater upfront investment but yields immediate ROI, particularly beneficial when onboarding new resources.

3. Why Opt for an « as a service » Transformation?

A major challenge is often the limited availability of resources for undertaking and, notably, testing this transformation. Developers typically prioritize business-critical feature development and usually have limited availability for fundamental technical projects—even though these initiatives positively impact overall workload and productivity.

That’s why an « as a service » approach, such as ARCAD Software’s offering, allows converting code to RPG Free Form within a constrained timeline, minimizing impact on project resources and leveraging specialized consultants’ expertise.

Entrust your modernization project to us!

4. How Long Does an RPG Free Form Modernization Project Take?

An RPG Free Form modernization project typically lasts between 2 and 4 months, depending on the volume and technical complexities involved. You can also leverage this period to simultaneously modernize your database (transitioning to DDL-SQL), thus pooling resources and efforts.

5. How Do We Ensure Modernization Stability?

Our offer includes a “results guarantee”, based on the use of our automated testing platform. Our solution, ARCAD Verifier, captures test scenarios from the original source code and replays them on the modernized code to ensure that behavior remains exactly the same—correcting any discrepancies prior to delivery. We initiate automated test campaigns during the project phase and only deliver the modernized code once 100% of the scenarios are validated. The advantage of this approach is that these scenarios can be reused after the modernization project for ongoing automated regression testing throughout the standard delivery cycle. Therefore, this represents more of a long-term investment rather than just a constraint associated with the modernization project itself.

Furthermore, beyond automated regression testing, we also provide a warranty period ranging from 3 to 6 months, managed by the same team responsible for the modernization.

This allows our customers to benefit from a fully delegated project approach, minimizing the impact on their internal resources, leveraging the expertise of a specialized provider, and receiving additional assurance regarding the stability of the delivered code.

Transform your RPG code into RPG Free Form!


Converting your RPG code to RPG Free Form is an essential step toward modernizing your IBM i applications, enhancing readability, and simplifying maintenance. Instead of dedicating already stretched internal resources, the « as a service » approach offered by ARCAD Software allows you to accelerate this transition safely and efficiently. With advanced automation and rigorous testing to ensure code stability, you benefit from rapid, effective, and risk-free modernization. Take action now to make your IBM i environment more agile and sustainable.

Christophe Deblaise

Christophe Deblaise

VP Professional Services WW

Graduated from Supélec in 2001, Christophe began his career as a C/C++ developer, consultant/project manager then took responsibility for Professional Services at CAST Software from 2010. Following this experience, Christophe joined ARCAD Software in 2019 to support the development and growth of the services activity.

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