Picto Transformer DB


ARCAD Transformer DB

Modernize your DB2 for i databases

IBM i Modernization Solution

WITH ARCAD TRANSFORMER DB Open and standardize your DB2 databases whilst improving their performance

Standardize on SQL

» Convert DDS files to DDL (SQL) tables and views automatically

Open up your application

» Open your DB2 database access to external applications

Boost Performance

» Forget outdated DB2 for i database techniques

Automate your conversion

» Contains powerful “Process” to accelerate the renaming fields

Convert at zero risk

» Automatically detect programs that could potentially cause dangerous integrity violations

Enhance maintainability

» Dramatically increase the readability / maintainability of the database code

Let’s Modernize your DB2 databases with ARCAD TRANSFORMER DB

ARCAD Transformer DB Datasheet

ARCAD Transformer DB Features

The DB2 database capability is and will continue to be the major development advantage of the IBM i platform, thanks to its well-renowned reliability, security and scalability. To take advantage of the full power of the DB2 for i engine, you will need to modernize your existing databases by migrating to a full relational model. ARCAD Transformer DB, lastest member of the ARCAD Transformer family, helps open up your application to new technologies, allowing for progressive conversion from DDS to DDL (SQL), with mass transformation and/or piece-by-piece.

Download this datasheet to learn more about ARCAD Transformer DB and discover why the conversion to SQL helps future-proof your IBM i applications.

  • Data Integrity Checking
  • Identification of any causes of data corruption
  • Automated transformation from DSS to SQL DDL

Download the Datasheet

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By converting to a modern language and tools, our IBM i application is now easy to maintain by young developers. We have been able to leverage the 20 years’ worth of functional enhancements to our application.

Hugues Clement IT Manager at GeodisHugues Clément, IT Manager at GEODIS

ARCAD provides us with a unique set of integrated tools, and once we have improved one part of the process, ARCAD is ready to help with the next challenge such as the automation of unit testing, source code analysis, cross-referencing and many other resource intensive tasks on IBM i.

Wayne Millow IBM i Systems Manager Brown Borther EngineersWayne Willow, IBM i Systems Manager
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