IBM Merlin powered by Arcad

What is IBM Merlin?
IBM Merlin (Modernization Engine for Lifecycle Integration) is a strategic platform enabling IBM i (alias AS/400 ou AS400) customers to modernize both their heritage applications and development processes via DevOps. Merlin was built on Red Hat OpenShift to take advantage of a modern Hybrid Cloud world.
Interview with Steve Sibley about MERLIN by Philippe Magne

What are the key benefits of Merlin for IBM i Customers?
Merlin allows IBM i applications to realize the value of hybrid cloud and multi-platform CI/CD pipelines. The modernization tooling within Merlin helps IBM i developers to create next generation applications leveraging the existing investment in traditional systems often written in RPG & Cobol. RESTful interface connections and enterprise messaging technologies allow developers to add new business value to IBM i applications.

Merlin offers some key advantages to IBM i developers:

Why use Merlin?
- “Traditional” IBM i developers can more rapidly and easily adopt VS Code, Git, CI/CD and concurrent development with the fewest possible changes in their daily processes.
- Developers “new to IBM i” reduce their learning curve and enable them to contribute to RPG development and access the DB2 database.

Today, ARCAD extensions offer the following features:

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