[Webinar] Transform your way to Next Gen IBM i Apps in Phases – Start with your RPG!
Join us on our webinar to see how Arcad can help transform your Code, your Database, and your Process
Join us on our webinar to see how Arcad can help transform your Code, your Database, and your Process
Merlin is a joint solution from IBM and ARCAD to help streamline new next-generation application development on IBM i and automate modernization of existing ones.
"90% of CIOs have experienced failed or disrupted migration projects, for many and diverse reasons. There is a better way to approach migration of your legacy applications, don’t do it!"
IBM i was born over thirty years ago and has seen many innovations that have kept the platform ahead of the field. With looming staffing changes comes the inherent challenge of closing the knowledge gap and keeping the legacy of IBM i alive and well...
Learn how to automate the entire process of field expansion in RPG and DB2 for i.
As databases begin to age, so does their source code, and their purpose may also change. Refitting a database to meet the current needs of business often requires modification to the database at the field level, which can have all kinds of undesirable consequences if it is not executed with the greatest of care.
In this Webinar, we will demonstrate how to use integrated HCL and ARCAD solutions to achieve a single, end-to-end DevSecOps pipeline across all development platforms, including IBM i.
Converting from Synon CA 2E to a modern language? In our Webinar, we will share a secure, automated migration path for business applications developed in Synon CA 2E to Fully Modern Application.
A constant challenge for a Chief Information Officer in a transactional, data-heavy industry is leveraging the legacy of their IBM i platform to adapt to current needs, essentially using it to its fullest potential. Keeping that potential tapped translates into a flexible and agile platform, driving growth for your business, an important aspect to keep in mind when approaching the demands of IT.
First let’s answer the question: why modernize your IBM i applications anyway? Well, many IBM i modernization projects don’t start until after a major production failure, so getting out ahead of problems saves you time, pain and resources. Secondly, many IBM i specific skills like RPG or 4GL development are becoming more and more scarce, meaning time could be running out.
Are you looking to manage your RPG and COBOL source code under Git, or you already tried making the leap? Git brings multiple advantages, including flexible distributed development, parallel versioning and complete visibility of changes anywhere in the system. Take your IBM i teams to the next level with Git with this webinar!
IBM and ARCAD Software invite you to an Lunch & Learn series to explore the latest techniques in DevSecOps and Modernization on IBM i. Gain valuable education from expert IBM i practitioners to leverage your application assets, tune your DevOps processes and grow your customer base.
With ARCAD API, you can generate Web services in minutes, directly from your IBM i application’s native “green screen” interface. Watch now our webinar!
With the major economic crisis we will face for at least the next twelve months, it is high time to take a fresh look at our existing application assets.
Check source code automatically, as you develop, to detect code quality and security flaws as early as possible in the cycle.
Eliminate the "technical debt" in your IBM i application.
Can RPG Free Form and Java languages coexist in order to obtain "the best of both worlds"?
Need to check the quality & consistency of your existing and new RPG development?
Modernization vs. Migration : Discover how Legacy systems can provide oustanding competitive advantage, reduce operational risk and keep your business up and running smoothly and securely!
Watch our Webinar to learn how to automate your IBM i modernization project, step by step
This Webinar examines the 3 aspects of successful modernization: Tools, Process, People
Whatever the driving reason for a modernization project on a so-called "legacy" system like IBM i, it is important to identify the key points that will help secure the success of the project.
Watch this Synon Webinar to benefit from the latest technology on IBM i!
It’s 2018 – Have you modernized yet ? If not, you must be waiting for some kind of invitation. Consider this a formal invitation. You need to get with the times.
Is your IBM i application ready for the future?
If you run your business on IBM i, you may well be deciding: migrate or modernize? To improve your skills on this subject, watch this webinar!