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ARCAD Webinars DevOps pour IBM i2024-06-28T20:48:26+02:00

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Embrace VS Code for IBM i Development

Modernize your IBM i development with VS Code! Join our webinar to explore powerful extensions, Git integration, and how ARCAD enhances productivity and collaboration for IBM i developers.

2025 IBM i Predictions, Part Two

Discover IT Jungle's 2025 IBM i Predictions featuring Philippe Magne from ARCAD Software, highlighting key trends like hybrid cloud, AI modernization, and the need for stronger security and DevOps.

How can AI revolutionize IBM i Application Analysis?

Join our webinar to explore your IBM i systems intuitively, without requiring in-depth expertise in AS/400. Application modernization, cross-platform migration, re-engineering, and more. Discover this new generation of application understanding tools in just 30 minutes.

Untangling Legacy Spaghetti Code To Cook Up Microservices

At this point in the history of programming, everyone pretty much knows what microservices are and everybody is more than acquainted with the legacy code – and often monolithic code – that has been created over decades by countless programmers who have evolved corporate applications to fit new conditions and new demands.

DevOps Means Using The Tools You Already Have Better

When modernizing development processes on IBM i, the most efficient thing to do, always, is to make use of enterprise tools already in place within the organization and integrate these into a cohesive IBM i workflow that shepherds code from idea to production all along the way.

RPG Coding to a Standard

The latest RPG is a modern language and ARCAD has made the effort to aid the modern RPG shop by implementing best practices in CodeChecker.

Take A Progressive Approach To DevOps

As Gene Amdahl, the chief architect of the IBM System/360 mainframe, correctly observed and what was subsequently codified as Amdahl’s Law, any kind of system that implements any kind of process is only as fast as its slowest component.

The First Step In DevOps Is Not Tools, But Culture Change

The combination and automation of application development and IT operations, commonly known as DevOps, is itself like the processes it automates – it is a process of continual change through iteration and improvement. And so, like most things in life (other than vacation, maybe), it is a journey – not a destination.

Putting the CT in your CI/CD pipeline

We have all heard about the CI/CD pipeline in DevOps. This is the standard phrase. But what is often left out of this is the CT - the Continuous Testing aspect. Automation of the testing is vital to the success of the CI/CT/CD pipeline and with the Arcad testing suite of tools, we fit right in with the use of automation, regardless of the pipeline used.

DevSecOps maturity on IBM i – why is this important? (APAC)

The ARCAD Software team invites you to a Webinar series exploring the future of DevOps on IBM i and where IBM i development tooling is headed over 2 sessions. Your proven IBM i application is a competitive advantage. Understand the key steps to full DevOps maturity and how to devise a roadmap that fits right with your teams.

DevSecOps maturity on IBM i – why is this important? (EMEA)

The ARCAD Software team invites you to a Webinar series exploring the future of DevOps on IBM i and where IBM i development tooling is headed over 2 sessions. Your proven IBM i application is a competitive advantage. Understand the key steps to full DevOps maturity and how to devise a roadmap that fits right with your teams.

IBM i: the challenge of generational transition

IBM i was born over thirty years ago and has seen many innovations that have kept the platform ahead of the field. With looming staffing changes comes the inherent challenge of closing the knowledge gap and keeping the legacy of IBM i alive and well...

The Key to IBM i Automation

The twenty-first century is well underway and automation has radically changed nearly every industry across the planet. And this is just as true in the world of DevOps where automation is no longer just another handy tool, but is often the key to whether a business survives or thrives.

Arcad Software: Git DevOps Going on IBM I

With open source technology revolutionizing how DevOps systems work, many businesses running on IBM i find themselves at a crossroads if they want to stay competitive: rebuild their entire codebase from scratch, or modernize their existing application.

DevOps maturity on IBM i: let go of the past

When speaking of the IBM i and the lifecycle of application development, it would be easy to stick to the old ways of working. But in today’s world, those old ways just do not cut it. Forward thinking enterprises have massively adopted the Agile and DevOps philosophy.

IBM i – A legacy of open source

IBM’s legacy in the open world has been well-documented, from their work with Linux, Apache, and Eclipse in the early years of open source to more current work across all layers of the cloud stack, application development, blockchain, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and machine learning...

Git on IBM i: How To Succeed

One of the main challenges in integrating Git into IBM i is is the ‘technology gap’ between Git and the antiquated change management systems still in use on the platform. To appreciate this statement, we need to take a look back at the recent history of the IBM i itself, and ask ourselves ‘why Git?’

Managing IBM i: CIO challenge or opportunity?

A constant challenge for a Chief Information Officer in a transactional, data-heavy industry is leveraging the legacy of their IBM i platform to adapt to current needs, essentially using it to its fullest potential. Keeping that potential tapped translates into a flexible and agile platform, driving growth for your business, an important aspect to keep in mind when approaching the demands of IT.

3 steps to modernize your IBM i

First let’s answer the question: why modernize your IBM i applications anyway? Well, many IBM i modernization projects don’t start until after a major production failure, so getting out ahead of problems saves you time, pain and resources. Secondly, many IBM i specific skills like RPG or 4GL development are becoming more and more scarce, meaning time could be running out.

Git DevOps going on IBM i

A practitioner’s guide to easy CI/CD on IBM i with Git (or, why are you waiting?). I have a question for the IBM i shops out there. What are we waiting for? Why aren’t we doing DevOps yet? I’m going to suggest that a lot of shops fall into the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” category. That’s pretty much been the culture of traditional IBM i shops.

Unit test automation: Secure application quality on IBM i

In this Webinar we will demonstrate how specialized unit test automation can safeguard application quality and generate reusable test assets for both modular and monolithic code. You will learn how to automate the IBM i unit testing process within a standard DevOps stack., including RDi, JUnit and Jenkins.

‘True Git’ – are there right and wrong ways to do Git on IBM i?

Are you looking to manage your RPG and COBOL source code under Git, or you already tried making the leap? Git brings multiple advantages, including flexible distributed development, parallel versioning and complete visibility of changes anywhere in the system. Take your IBM i teams to the next level with Git with this webinar!

It’s Time For An Application Healthcheck

IBM i applications have the same issues as people, as does all software running on any platform – although software is a bit different in that it can be replaced, renewed, rewritten, refurbished or simply left to rot in its swamp of technical debt.

Unit test automation: Secure application quality on IBM i

In this Webinar we will demonstrate how specialized unit test automation can safeguard application quality and generate reusable test assets for both modular and monolithic code. You will learn how to automate the IBM i unit testing process within a standard DevOps stack., including RDi, JUnit and Jenkins.

The New Economy Presents New Opportunities For IBM i

Economic downturns don’t cause technology shifts, but they do have a habit of accelerating them. The evolution of any technology follows its own path, as inventors and engineers try to meet customer wants and needs, and this transformation is fairly straightforward when the economy is robust and people feel they can invest time and money in something.

Creating Web Services APIs Can Be Easy On IBM i

ARCAD created ARCAD API, a solution which takes heritage applications using the 5250 green screen protocol and allows portions of code to be accessed, wrapped up, and turned into a Web service that can be called like any other API by programming languages old and new.

Unit Testing Gets A Boost With ARCAD

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” The famous management consultant Peter Drucker said those words to relate his philosophy on achieving business success. He didn’t know it at the time, but they would also apply to software development, including the testing of software, which is an area that ARCAD Software knows a thing or two about.

Why “Git”?

Git is still generating an enormous amount of buzz. What are the reasons behind its poularity? Is it really justified? And how relevant is Git in the world of IBM i development?

Code review: go automatic!

SonarQube is the de-facto standard code review tool for many modern languages today. But do you need to automate the same continuous quality checking for your RPG code and CL?

The Gamification Of Good Coding Practices

There are many things that are important about creating good code, but perhaps the most important is the idea that there are good coding practices and that everyone coding, no matter what the programming language and no matter what the type of application they are creating, should adhere to some standards of quality.

The All-Knowing, Benevolent Dictator Of Code

Not every software project can have an all-knowing benevolent dictator looking through every line of code, and even all projects could have such a person to oversee the quality of the code, there is no reason to not automate as much of this very important code review job as is possible.

Software Change Management Has To Change With The DevOps Times

It is easier to change a system or a software development stack than it is to change the habits and preferences of people. People are the biggest friction in adopting new technologies – right up until the moment they are not. And then they are easy. So it is with any technology, and the transition from traditional software change management to open source DevOps tools is no different.

“Legacy” will never die!

Modernization vs. Migration : Discover how Legacy systems can provide oustanding competitive advantage, reduce operational risk and keep your business up and running smoothly and securely!

GIT a Jump in Your Step

Reflections on the rise of Git and the DevOps paradigm on so-called legacy platforms IBM i and z/OS – by Floyd Del Muro, DevOps Advocate

5 keys to IBM i Modernization Success

Whatever the driving reason for a modernization project on a so-called "legacy" system like IBM i, it is important to identify the key points that will help secure the success of the project.

Getting Progressive About Regression Testing

If you want to employ modern software development and testing techniques, you have to move on from simple unit testing by developers and implement regression testing in your quality assurance (QA) organization. This is perhaps the best way to take the risk out of continuous development – something that companies have to embrace if they are to remain competitive.

What is Source Code Management?

You would think someone who has been in the industry for as long as I have would have a simple answer to a simple question. What is source code management? My reply? Well, that depends.

Transforming The Art Of Code And The Face Of IBM i

ARCAD has been in business for 25 years, and we have done a lot of technical innovation over those years. We started our business with traditional software change management, on the software change management at that time, which is the combination of having a set of tools to manage developer work and then to transfer from development to test to production.

GitHub: How Developers Got to Run the World (sic)

Of the world’s most visited websites this month, GitHub rates 59 and climbing. Not bad considering that GitHub’s appeal is limited to software developers, whereas the other popular sites like Google and Amazon have a planetary audience. Is software becoming as important as the written word?

ARCAD Secures Funding To Fuel Expansion

The financial incentives instigating investors to back companies that create software and provide services to the IBM i community continue to raise eyebrows and elicit surprise among those unfamiliar with the innovation taking place in the so-called legacy netherworld.

IBM i Vendor Breaks Into Gartner Magic Quadrant

Finding an IBM i software vendor in the Gartner Magic Quadrant is sort of like finding a four-leaf clover. It doesn’t happen very often and it feels like a lucky day when you do. Last week, ARCAD Software made it into the coveted quad in the Application Release Automation category.

GitHub: How Developers Got to Run the World (sic)

Of the world’s most visited websites this month, GitHub rates 59 and climbing. Not bad considering that GitHub’s appeal is limited to software developers whereas the other popular sites like Google and Amazon have a planetary audience. Is software becoming as important as the written word?

Why DevOps?

In business today, there is a premium on the speed with which IT can deliver software and its reliability – and implementing DevOps is becoming a key competitive differentiator.

ARCAD Magnifies The i In Its Multi-Platform Array

While RDi development gets some help from one IBM i vendor, another vendor is enhancing its RDi-specific software. ARCAD Software, makers of ARCAD Pack for i, has enhanced its IBM UrbanCode Deploy and improved support for deployment to IBM i.

ARCAD And GitHub Prepare For A Paradigm Shift

One platform. One island. One epic story of survival. That may be over dramatizing the IBM i environment, but it makes a point about the dangers of single-platform thinking in a world that is multi-platform oriented. That thought occurred to me when I first heard that ARCAD Software, an IBM i vendor specializing in application development and DevOps, was partnering with GitHub, a collaboration-oriented software company focused on code sharing and reducing software delivery schedules.

Why open source?

Technologies based on open source have advanced considerably over the recent years, in all the intricacies of the software development world. Is this just because the licenses are free?

Share your IBM i platform with open source tools

IBM continues to encourage greater and more extensive use of open source tools on the IBM i platform. This has helped IBM i become more popular, less “proprietary” and more accessible to young generations of developers. Further, it has opened the platform to a vast software offering produced via the open source model.

ARCAD Upgrades DevOps Software For IBM i

For IBM i shops that have been using change management software for years, DevOps looks very familiar. Both improve quality and lower risk. And both make use of a framework and collaborative achievements. The major distinction for DevOps is that the collaboration involves a much wider universe of contributors. It takes into account other IT platforms and blows up the individual siloes by integrating tools and processes. And it further integrates IT and business with incremental improvements and enhancements continuously tested and put into production.

Application Analysis

Is your IBM i application ready for the future?

If you run your business on IBM i, you may well be deciding: migrate or modernize? To improve your skills on this subject, watch this webinar!

Continuous Integration (CI)

Building a strategy for IBM i using Git, Jenkins and JIRA

How can traditional IBM i development languages, like RPG, CL, DDS or even COBOL, be integrated into the process used by other development teams using modern open source tools like Jenkins, Git and JIRA? Watch this webinar to know more!

Continuous Deployment (CD)

Pilot and control application deployment, across IBM i, UNIX, Linux, Windows and z/OS

Watch this webinar dedicated to the Continuous Deployment!

Continuous Quality (CQ)

Check the quality of your RPG source code, automatically

Watch this webinar to check the quality of your RPG source code, automatically.

DevOps Would Have Saved the Dinosaurs!

I have been fortunate to attend many events and conferences throughout the years, several on an annual basis. These gatherings bring together industry leaders from all over the world to share their expertise and knowledge about the IBMi and open source ecosystems.

Relevance of a DevOps strategy

When we first heard the term “DevOps” and the buzz it was generating, we asked ourselves whether it was just another case of reinventing the wheel. It’s common in our business that a hot new term signifies an evolution, rather than a revolution. And DevOps is a good example.

ARCAD Software expands to Nordics

Stockholm, 10 March 2016 – ARCAD Software, leading vendor in Enterprise Modernization and DevOps solutions for IBM i, today announced the launch of a new subsidiary, ARCAD Software Nordic.The creation of this ...

ARCAD Software expands to Germany

Hamburg, 8 December 2015 – ARCAD Software, leading vendor in Enterprise Modernization and DevOps solutions for IBM i, today announced the launch of its new subsidiary, ARCAD Software Germany GmbH. This ...

RPG Free Form: Why is it so important for you?

The biggest concern that IBM i companies are struggling with is finding good RPG resources. For sure, if you look at things from only that angle, you have every chance of being very, very disappointed. The average age is above 50 and you can roughly get only one developer for the cost of two, not very exciting.

ARCAD Software takes on Database Modernization

If you’ve seen IBM‘s Redbook on modernization for i-centric customers, it’s clear the direction Big Blue recommends includes the DB2 for i database as an integral part of the modernization process. In application-first environments, which dominate ...

Evolution, not revolution

Back from a trip in different countries in Asia, I’ve clearly seen that the situation in the IBM i market is rather different from Europe and North America – apart from Japan of course, which definitely resembles these two large areas.

IBM i Trends: Managing application parameters

A strong trend is underway and is set to continue: businesses are adopting an increasing number of standard software packages, often in the cloud, into their Information Systems. Today’s period of major technological change fosters this trend.


Native RPG development on the IBM i server was largely tamed long ago by change management and application lifecycle management (ALM) tools. But as IBM i shops extend their RPG investments with new Web-based ...


ARCAD Software,, a leading vendor in software solutions for Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) on IBM Power, and Business Computer Design (BCD), a market leader in IBM i and multi-platform application modernization solutions, announced today a strategic ...

MC PRESS ONLINE – Enterprise Award

ARCAD Software received the Innovation in Enterprise Modernization Development Award at IBM Innovate 2013. The award recognizes IBM Business Partner solutions delivering an enterprise modernization solution that helps customers extend the value and performance of ...


JD Edwards World shops that make a lot of customizations and modifications to their ERP environments may be interested in knowing that ARCAD Software just announced that its application lifecycle management (ALM) tool is ...


ARCAD Software recently rolled out a new piece of freeware that might interest RPG programmers who use Rational Development for Power Systems (RDp). The new product, called Data Area Editor, provides a way for RDp ...

ARCAD-Customer 9.5

ARCAD Software announces Version 9.5 of their IT Service Management solution ARCAD-Customer – to optimize communications between users and the service desk, and simplify the adoption of ITIL best practices in any organization. Version ...


ARCAD Software has achieved Unicode compliance with version 9 of its application lifecycle management (ALM) tools, thereby enabling the French company to address new markets for its IBM i software, particularly China and Japan. ...

MC Press Online | Development Tools / Utilities

Considered the ‘globalization’ version, the V9 is without doubt the most significant release to date. ARCAD Software, vendor of software change management and application modernization solutions in the IBM i environment and for open ...


ARCAD Software is now shipping version 8.12 of its application lifecycle management (ALM) suite for the IBM i OS. Among the enhancements is the capability of its regression testing product, called Verifier, to test multiple types ...


ARCAD Software is exposing more of its application lifecycle management (ALM) suite to third-party products, including Microsoft .NET, IBM Rational Team Concert, the popular JIRA bug tracker, and even Rocket Aldon, with version 8.15 of ...

Tester Tools

The ARCAD ALM suite is a collection of tools used to aid developers in the development, testing, and roll-out of new and enhanced applications.


The entire ARCAD Software team is pleased to announce the release of version V9 of its software product line. Considered the ‘globalization’ version, the V9 is without doubt the most significant release to date. ...


Version 8.10 of ARCAD’s ALM Software offers a new bridge between the IBM Rational Team Concert and ARCAD’s deployment solution and signals a new era in the overall ARCAD offering with a profound reorganization ...

ARCAD Opens ALM Suite a Little More

Companies that use ARCAD Software‘s suite of application lifecycle management (ALM) tools are now able to mange the release and deployment of applications on open systems platforms, such as Windows, Unix, and Linux, as well ...

Build and Deploy across multiple platforms

In today's enterprise environment, very few companies have the luxury of having a single platform to support. This means multiple development tools supporting multiple applications on multiple platforms. You may even be supporting ‘separate but ...


Version 8.08 of ARCAD's ALM Software Brings Additional Open Systems Enhancements. Latest technical innovations offer new options for managing changes to software, critical data, and LANSA components, interacting with external apps, and more. Read ...

ARCAD Opens New Office in Singapore

ARCAD, aka "The Kilt People," has opened a new office in Singapore.... Recently, the company has moved aggressively to fill the void for change management tools. ARCAD Software, aka “The Kilt People,” last week announced ...

Renaissance Man

Philippe Magne innovates in rocket science, music, and software development. Read this article

ARCAD Goes Dutch with New Office

New Dutch office will provide a staging ground for the French company to target new System i customers in the region... System i change management vendor ARCAD Software recently announced it has opened a new ...

ARCAD Software Launches V8.06

ARCAD Software solution is now totally integrated with Eclipse to facilitate running System i applications in the Java J2EE environment or with SOA architectures. Read

ARCAD Delivers Free Emulator, Tester for WDSc

The up-and-coming provider of programmers' tools for the System i platform, recently announced that it's giving away a 5250 emulator that plugs into IBM's WDSc development environment, and a utility for testing System i objects. ...

Selecting Help Desk Software

A good help desk solution not only provides answers to users’ questions, but also helps to manage assets and lifecycle changes. Read this article

Change Management Software Gets Boost from Mighty Ant

ARCAD Software has rolled the multi-platform software management stone closer to its final destination by releasing Version 8.06.06 of its IBM System i-based application lifecycle management suite. For companies doing application development that spans more ...

Webinars en replay

Visionnez nos derniers webinars !

Embrace VS Code for IBM i Development

Modernize your IBM i development with VS Code! Join our webinar to explore powerful extensions, Git integration, and how ARCAD enhances productivity and collaboration for IBM i developers.

2025 IBM i Predictions, Part Two

Discover IT Jungle's 2025 IBM i Predictions featuring Philippe Magne from ARCAD Software, highlighting key trends like hybrid cloud, AI modernization, and the need for stronger security and DevOps.

How can AI revolutionize IBM i Application Analysis?

Join our webinar to explore your IBM i systems intuitively, without requiring in-depth expertise in AS/400. Application modernization, cross-platform migration, re-engineering, and more. Discover this new generation of application understanding tools in just 30 minutes.

Untangling Legacy Spaghetti Code To Cook Up Microservices

At this point in the history of programming, everyone pretty much knows what microservices are and everybody is more than acquainted with the legacy code – and often monolithic code – that has been created over decades by countless programmers who have evolved corporate applications to fit new conditions and new demands.

DevOps Means Using The Tools You Already Have Better

When modernizing development processes on IBM i, the most efficient thing to do, always, is to make use of enterprise tools already in place within the organization and integrate these into a cohesive IBM i workflow that shepherds code from idea to production all along the way.

RPG Coding to a Standard

The latest RPG is a modern language and ARCAD has made the effort to aid the modern RPG shop by implementing best practices in CodeChecker.

Take A Progressive Approach To DevOps

As Gene Amdahl, the chief architect of the IBM System/360 mainframe, correctly observed and what was subsequently codified as Amdahl’s Law, any kind of system that implements any kind of process is only as fast as its slowest component.

The First Step In DevOps Is Not Tools, But Culture Change

The combination and automation of application development and IT operations, commonly known as DevOps, is itself like the processes it automates – it is a process of continual change through iteration and improvement. And so, like most things in life (other than vacation, maybe), it is a journey – not a destination.

Putting the CT in your CI/CD pipeline

We have all heard about the CI/CD pipeline in DevOps. This is the standard phrase. But what is often left out of this is the CT - the Continuous Testing aspect. Automation of the testing is vital to the success of the CI/CT/CD pipeline and with the Arcad testing suite of tools, we fit right in with the use of automation, regardless of the pipeline used.

DevSecOps maturity on IBM i – why is this important? (APAC)

The ARCAD Software team invites you to a Webinar series exploring the future of DevOps on IBM i and where IBM i development tooling is headed over 2 sessions. Your proven IBM i application is a competitive advantage. Understand the key steps to full DevOps maturity and how to devise a roadmap that fits right with your teams.

DevSecOps maturity on IBM i – why is this important? (EMEA)

The ARCAD Software team invites you to a Webinar series exploring the future of DevOps on IBM i and where IBM i development tooling is headed over 2 sessions. Your proven IBM i application is a competitive advantage. Understand the key steps to full DevOps maturity and how to devise a roadmap that fits right with your teams.

IBM i: the challenge of generational transition

IBM i was born over thirty years ago and has seen many innovations that have kept the platform ahead of the field. With looming staffing changes comes the inherent challenge of closing the knowledge gap and keeping the legacy of IBM i alive and well...

The Key to IBM i Automation

The twenty-first century is well underway and automation has radically changed nearly every industry across the planet. And this is just as true in the world of DevOps where automation is no longer just another handy tool, but is often the key to whether a business survives or thrives.

Arcad Software: Git DevOps Going on IBM I

With open source technology revolutionizing how DevOps systems work, many businesses running on IBM i find themselves at a crossroads if they want to stay competitive: rebuild their entire codebase from scratch, or modernize their existing application.

DevOps maturity on IBM i: let go of the past

When speaking of the IBM i and the lifecycle of application development, it would be easy to stick to the old ways of working. But in today’s world, those old ways just do not cut it. Forward thinking enterprises have massively adopted the Agile and DevOps philosophy.

IBM i – A legacy of open source

IBM’s legacy in the open world has been well-documented, from their work with Linux, Apache, and Eclipse in the early years of open source to more current work across all layers of the cloud stack, application development, blockchain, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and machine learning...

Git on IBM i: How To Succeed

One of the main challenges in integrating Git into IBM i is is the ‘technology gap’ between Git and the antiquated change management systems still in use on the platform. To appreciate this statement, we need to take a look back at the recent history of the IBM i itself, and ask ourselves ‘why Git?’

Managing IBM i: CIO challenge or opportunity?

A constant challenge for a Chief Information Officer in a transactional, data-heavy industry is leveraging the legacy of their IBM i platform to adapt to current needs, essentially using it to its fullest potential. Keeping that potential tapped translates into a flexible and agile platform, driving growth for your business, an important aspect to keep in mind when approaching the demands of IT.

3 steps to modernize your IBM i

First let’s answer the question: why modernize your IBM i applications anyway? Well, many IBM i modernization projects don’t start until after a major production failure, so getting out ahead of problems saves you time, pain and resources. Secondly, many IBM i specific skills like RPG or 4GL development are becoming more and more scarce, meaning time could be running out.

Git DevOps going on IBM i

A practitioner’s guide to easy CI/CD on IBM i with Git (or, why are you waiting?). I have a question for the IBM i shops out there. What are we waiting for? Why aren’t we doing DevOps yet? I’m going to suggest that a lot of shops fall into the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” category. That’s pretty much been the culture of traditional IBM i shops.

Unit test automation: Secure application quality on IBM i

In this Webinar we will demonstrate how specialized unit test automation can safeguard application quality and generate reusable test assets for both modular and monolithic code. You will learn how to automate the IBM i unit testing process within a standard DevOps stack., including RDi, JUnit and Jenkins.

‘True Git’ – are there right and wrong ways to do Git on IBM i?

Are you looking to manage your RPG and COBOL source code under Git, or you already tried making the leap? Git brings multiple advantages, including flexible distributed development, parallel versioning and complete visibility of changes anywhere in the system. Take your IBM i teams to the next level with Git with this webinar!

It’s Time For An Application Healthcheck

IBM i applications have the same issues as people, as does all software running on any platform – although software is a bit different in that it can be replaced, renewed, rewritten, refurbished or simply left to rot in its swamp of technical debt.

Unit test automation: Secure application quality on IBM i

In this Webinar we will demonstrate how specialized unit test automation can safeguard application quality and generate reusable test assets for both modular and monolithic code. You will learn how to automate the IBM i unit testing process within a standard DevOps stack., including RDi, JUnit and Jenkins.

The New Economy Presents New Opportunities For IBM i

Economic downturns don’t cause technology shifts, but they do have a habit of accelerating them. The evolution of any technology follows its own path, as inventors and engineers try to meet customer wants and needs, and this transformation is fairly straightforward when the economy is robust and people feel they can invest time and money in something.

Creating Web Services APIs Can Be Easy On IBM i

ARCAD created ARCAD API, a solution which takes heritage applications using the 5250 green screen protocol and allows portions of code to be accessed, wrapped up, and turned into a Web service that can be called like any other API by programming languages old and new.

Unit Testing Gets A Boost With ARCAD

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” The famous management consultant Peter Drucker said those words to relate his philosophy on achieving business success. He didn’t know it at the time, but they would also apply to software development, including the testing of software, which is an area that ARCAD Software knows a thing or two about.

Why “Git”?

Git is still generating an enormous amount of buzz. What are the reasons behind its poularity? Is it really justified? And how relevant is Git in the world of IBM i development?

Code review: go automatic!

SonarQube is the de-facto standard code review tool for many modern languages today. But do you need to automate the same continuous quality checking for your RPG code and CL?

The Gamification Of Good Coding Practices

There are many things that are important about creating good code, but perhaps the most important is the idea that there are good coding practices and that everyone coding, no matter what the programming language and no matter what the type of application they are creating, should adhere to some standards of quality.

The All-Knowing, Benevolent Dictator Of Code

Not every software project can have an all-knowing benevolent dictator looking through every line of code, and even all projects could have such a person to oversee the quality of the code, there is no reason to not automate as much of this very important code review job as is possible.

Software Change Management Has To Change With The DevOps Times

It is easier to change a system or a software development stack than it is to change the habits and preferences of people. People are the biggest friction in adopting new technologies – right up until the moment they are not. And then they are easy. So it is with any technology, and the transition from traditional software change management to open source DevOps tools is no different.

“Legacy” will never die!

Modernization vs. Migration : Discover how Legacy systems can provide oustanding competitive advantage, reduce operational risk and keep your business up and running smoothly and securely!

GIT a Jump in Your Step

Reflections on the rise of Git and the DevOps paradigm on so-called legacy platforms IBM i and z/OS – by Floyd Del Muro, DevOps Advocate

5 keys to IBM i Modernization Success

Whatever the driving reason for a modernization project on a so-called "legacy" system like IBM i, it is important to identify the key points that will help secure the success of the project.

Getting Progressive About Regression Testing

If you want to employ modern software development and testing techniques, you have to move on from simple unit testing by developers and implement regression testing in your quality assurance (QA) organization. This is perhaps the best way to take the risk out of continuous development – something that companies have to embrace if they are to remain competitive.

What is Source Code Management?

You would think someone who has been in the industry for as long as I have would have a simple answer to a simple question. What is source code management? My reply? Well, that depends.

Transforming The Art Of Code And The Face Of IBM i

ARCAD has been in business for 25 years, and we have done a lot of technical innovation over those years. We started our business with traditional software change management, on the software change management at that time, which is the combination of having a set of tools to manage developer work and then to transfer from development to test to production.

GitHub: How Developers Got to Run the World (sic)

Of the world’s most visited websites this month, GitHub rates 59 and climbing. Not bad considering that GitHub’s appeal is limited to software developers, whereas the other popular sites like Google and Amazon have a planetary audience. Is software becoming as important as the written word?

ARCAD Secures Funding To Fuel Expansion

The financial incentives instigating investors to back companies that create software and provide services to the IBM i community continue to raise eyebrows and elicit surprise among those unfamiliar with the innovation taking place in the so-called legacy netherworld.

IBM i Vendor Breaks Into Gartner Magic Quadrant

Finding an IBM i software vendor in the Gartner Magic Quadrant is sort of like finding a four-leaf clover. It doesn’t happen very often and it feels like a lucky day when you do. Last week, ARCAD Software made it into the coveted quad in the Application Release Automation category.

GitHub: How Developers Got to Run the World (sic)

Of the world’s most visited websites this month, GitHub rates 59 and climbing. Not bad considering that GitHub’s appeal is limited to software developers whereas the other popular sites like Google and Amazon have a planetary audience. Is software becoming as important as the written word?

Why DevOps?

In business today, there is a premium on the speed with which IT can deliver software and its reliability – and implementing DevOps is becoming a key competitive differentiator.

ARCAD Magnifies The i In Its Multi-Platform Array

While RDi development gets some help from one IBM i vendor, another vendor is enhancing its RDi-specific software. ARCAD Software, makers of ARCAD Pack for i, has enhanced its IBM UrbanCode Deploy and improved support for deployment to IBM i.

ARCAD And GitHub Prepare For A Paradigm Shift

One platform. One island. One epic story of survival. That may be over dramatizing the IBM i environment, but it makes a point about the dangers of single-platform thinking in a world that is multi-platform oriented. That thought occurred to me when I first heard that ARCAD Software, an IBM i vendor specializing in application development and DevOps, was partnering with GitHub, a collaboration-oriented software company focused on code sharing and reducing software delivery schedules.

Why open source?

Technologies based on open source have advanced considerably over the recent years, in all the intricacies of the software development world. Is this just because the licenses are free?

Share your IBM i platform with open source tools

IBM continues to encourage greater and more extensive use of open source tools on the IBM i platform. This has helped IBM i become more popular, less “proprietary” and more accessible to young generations of developers. Further, it has opened the platform to a vast software offering produced via the open source model.

ARCAD Upgrades DevOps Software For IBM i

For IBM i shops that have been using change management software for years, DevOps looks very familiar. Both improve quality and lower risk. And both make use of a framework and collaborative achievements. The major distinction for DevOps is that the collaboration involves a much wider universe of contributors. It takes into account other IT platforms and blows up the individual siloes by integrating tools and processes. And it further integrates IT and business with incremental improvements and enhancements continuously tested and put into production.

Application Analysis

Is your IBM i application ready for the future?

If you run your business on IBM i, you may well be deciding: migrate or modernize? To improve your skills on this subject, watch this webinar!

Continuous Integration (CI)

Building a strategy for IBM i using Git, Jenkins and JIRA

How can traditional IBM i development languages, like RPG, CL, DDS or even COBOL, be integrated into the process used by other development teams using modern open source tools like Jenkins, Git and JIRA? Watch this webinar to know more!

Continuous Deployment (CD)

Pilot and control application deployment, across IBM i, UNIX, Linux, Windows and z/OS

Watch this webinar dedicated to the Continuous Deployment!

Continuous Quality (CQ)

Check the quality of your RPG source code, automatically

Watch this webinar to check the quality of your RPG source code, automatically.

DevOps Would Have Saved the Dinosaurs!

I have been fortunate to attend many events and conferences throughout the years, several on an annual basis. These gatherings bring together industry leaders from all over the world to share their expertise and knowledge about the IBMi and open source ecosystems.

Relevance of a DevOps strategy

When we first heard the term “DevOps” and the buzz it was generating, we asked ourselves whether it was just another case of reinventing the wheel. It’s common in our business that a hot new term signifies an evolution, rather than a revolution. And DevOps is a good example.

ARCAD Software expands to Nordics

Stockholm, 10 March 2016 – ARCAD Software, leading vendor in Enterprise Modernization and DevOps solutions for IBM i, today announced the launch of a new subsidiary, ARCAD Software Nordic.The creation of this ...

ARCAD Software expands to Germany

Hamburg, 8 December 2015 – ARCAD Software, leading vendor in Enterprise Modernization and DevOps solutions for IBM i, today announced the launch of its new subsidiary, ARCAD Software Germany GmbH. This ...

RPG Free Form: Why is it so important for you?

The biggest concern that IBM i companies are struggling with is finding good RPG resources. For sure, if you look at things from only that angle, you have every chance of being very, very disappointed. The average age is above 50 and you can roughly get only one developer for the cost of two, not very exciting.

ARCAD Software takes on Database Modernization

If you’ve seen IBM‘s Redbook on modernization for i-centric customers, it’s clear the direction Big Blue recommends includes the DB2 for i database as an integral part of the modernization process. In application-first environments, which dominate ...

Evolution, not revolution

Back from a trip in different countries in Asia, I’ve clearly seen that the situation in the IBM i market is rather different from Europe and North America – apart from Japan of course, which definitely resembles these two large areas.

IBM i Trends: Managing application parameters

A strong trend is underway and is set to continue: businesses are adopting an increasing number of standard software packages, often in the cloud, into their Information Systems. Today’s period of major technological change fosters this trend.


Native RPG development on the IBM i server was largely tamed long ago by change management and application lifecycle management (ALM) tools. But as IBM i shops extend their RPG investments with new Web-based ...


ARCAD Software,, a leading vendor in software solutions for Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) on IBM Power, and Business Computer Design (BCD), a market leader in IBM i and multi-platform application modernization solutions, announced today a strategic ...

MC PRESS ONLINE – Enterprise Award

ARCAD Software received the Innovation in Enterprise Modernization Development Award at IBM Innovate 2013. The award recognizes IBM Business Partner solutions delivering an enterprise modernization solution that helps customers extend the value and performance of ...


JD Edwards World shops that make a lot of customizations and modifications to their ERP environments may be interested in knowing that ARCAD Software just announced that its application lifecycle management (ALM) tool is ...


ARCAD Software recently rolled out a new piece of freeware that might interest RPG programmers who use Rational Development for Power Systems (RDp). The new product, called Data Area Editor, provides a way for RDp ...

ARCAD-Customer 9.5

ARCAD Software announces Version 9.5 of their IT Service Management solution ARCAD-Customer – to optimize communications between users and the service desk, and simplify the adoption of ITIL best practices in any organization. Version ...


ARCAD Software has achieved Unicode compliance with version 9 of its application lifecycle management (ALM) tools, thereby enabling the French company to address new markets for its IBM i software, particularly China and Japan. ...

MC Press Online | Development Tools / Utilities

Considered the ‘globalization’ version, the V9 is without doubt the most significant release to date. ARCAD Software, vendor of software change management and application modernization solutions in the IBM i environment and for open ...


ARCAD Software is now shipping version 8.12 of its application lifecycle management (ALM) suite for the IBM i OS. Among the enhancements is the capability of its regression testing product, called Verifier, to test multiple types ...


ARCAD Software is exposing more of its application lifecycle management (ALM) suite to third-party products, including Microsoft .NET, IBM Rational Team Concert, the popular JIRA bug tracker, and even Rocket Aldon, with version 8.15 of ...

Tester Tools

The ARCAD ALM suite is a collection of tools used to aid developers in the development, testing, and roll-out of new and enhanced applications.


The entire ARCAD Software team is pleased to announce the release of version V9 of its software product line. Considered the ‘globalization’ version, the V9 is without doubt the most significant release to date. ...


Version 8.10 of ARCAD’s ALM Software offers a new bridge between the IBM Rational Team Concert and ARCAD’s deployment solution and signals a new era in the overall ARCAD offering with a profound reorganization ...

ARCAD Opens ALM Suite a Little More

Companies that use ARCAD Software‘s suite of application lifecycle management (ALM) tools are now able to mange the release and deployment of applications on open systems platforms, such as Windows, Unix, and Linux, as well ...

Build and Deploy across multiple platforms

In today's enterprise environment, very few companies have the luxury of having a single platform to support. This means multiple development tools supporting multiple applications on multiple platforms. You may even be supporting ‘separate but ...


Version 8.08 of ARCAD's ALM Software Brings Additional Open Systems Enhancements. Latest technical innovations offer new options for managing changes to software, critical data, and LANSA components, interacting with external apps, and more. Read ...

ARCAD Opens New Office in Singapore

ARCAD, aka "The Kilt People," has opened a new office in Singapore.... Recently, the company has moved aggressively to fill the void for change management tools. ARCAD Software, aka “The Kilt People,” last week announced ...

Renaissance Man

Philippe Magne innovates in rocket science, music, and software development. Read this article

ARCAD Goes Dutch with New Office

New Dutch office will provide a staging ground for the French company to target new System i customers in the region... System i change management vendor ARCAD Software recently announced it has opened a new ...

ARCAD Software Launches V8.06

ARCAD Software solution is now totally integrated with Eclipse to facilitate running System i applications in the Java J2EE environment or with SOA architectures. Read

ARCAD Delivers Free Emulator, Tester for WDSc

The up-and-coming provider of programmers' tools for the System i platform, recently announced that it's giving away a 5250 emulator that plugs into IBM's WDSc development environment, and a utility for testing System i objects. ...

Selecting Help Desk Software

A good help desk solution not only provides answers to users’ questions, but also helps to manage assets and lifecycle changes. Read this article

Change Management Software Gets Boost from Mighty Ant

ARCAD Software has rolled the multi-platform software management stone closer to its final destination by releasing Version 8.06.06 of its IBM System i-based application lifecycle management suite. For companies doing application development that spans more ...

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