DOT Extract

DOT Extract

Sample consistent data subsets instantly from production into test environments

Small test datasets,
but large enough

Dot Extract Cohesive Data

Provide consistent test data

preserving referential integrity for complete and reliable testing

Dot Extract Data process

Accelerate your testing process

with reduced data volume while preserving data quality

Dot Extract Reduce Cost

Save administration time

by sampling only essential data

Sample in 3 easy steps

1. Detection

of integrity constraints

2. Extraction

of your databases

3. Injection

in a target database

Sample your test data with DOT Extract

An intuitive studio
for simplified data extractions

Dot Extract Schema
Dot Extract Data Test

Sample according to your needs

Define your own extraction filters

on tables and joins

Handle less data

on smaller test bases

Dot Extract Reduce Carbon

Cost-effective, Ecoresponsible

Reduce costs

by sampling essential data, saving time, resources and disk space

Reduce your carbon footprint

by lowering the energy required for data processing and storage

Integrates with your configuration


Picto SQL Server
Picto oracle
Picto MySQL
Picto IBM DB2
Logo Informix
Picto PostgreSQL
Picto SQL Server Azure
Picto DB2 Z/OS

Operating systems

Sample your test data with DOT Extract

Dot Extract Sample

Automate test data subsetting
Deploy and automate your sampling processes with DROPS

Dot Extract Integration CI CD


Integrate with your CI/CD cycle

DOT Extract Centralization data


Centralize test data management in a single location

Dot Extract Planification Deployment


Plan and automate the deployment of test datasets

DOT Extract Datasheet

Datasheet DOT Extract

Find out how DOT Extract enables you to extract realistic, consistent data for test purposes.

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  • Company member of the Hexatrust group
  • UGAP referenced products


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