Source Code Management Solution

Version Control on IBM i (aka AS/400 or AS400)

Security through automation

Control your software changes: Agility, Collaboration, Teamwork

Is this source code version what we think it is?

Developers are optimists. Managing source code changes from the start may seem burdensome, but skipping this step creates technical debt, increasing costs later.

For example:

  • Figuring out which system components to change when requirements change

  • Re-implementing due to code changes from modified requirements not communicated to the team

  • Lost productivity when replacing a component with a faulty version and being unable to quickly revert

  • Replacing the wrong component due to inaccurate identification

Automate the process with ARCAD Skipper!

ARCAD Skipper Picto

ARCAD Skipper

Facilitate version control for native IBM i applications

Avoid errors and downtime when changing source code

  • Manage source code at all stages of development

  • Maintenance reports define the scope and priority of maintenance actions

  • Versions become a packaged collection of maintenance reports

  • A check in/out process controls who can change which source code and when

  • Safely share components with parallel source modifications

  • Validation allows shared source code to be merged safely

  • Consistency checks ensure components in a change group are aligned

  • Open and flexible, for platform-specific or multi-platform teams

  • Option of separate or unified repositories

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